How it all began…

Hi y’alll my name is Cristy Senskey. I started playing sports right out the womb and got into the surface levels of bodybuilding about 5 years ago. I never really took it too serious because I was always at the field, training to get better and not worrying too much about time spent in the gym. Whenever my soccer career ended is when I got super into bodybuilding. I saw the physical and mental change that came with it and fell in love. When covid came around, I had lots of free time and decided to start documenting my fitness journey. I never in a million years thought I would be able to inspire anyone or get to where I am today…Like who would want to know what goes on in Cristy’s life hahaha… Anyways, a couple of months later, with lots of work and consistency, my page grew. Girls were reaching out expressing how I motivated and helped them feel more confident in and out of the gym. Thats what makes this all worth it. I love being able to inspire you guys to become the best, most beautiful versions of your selves. That is why I decided to create this website. I put a lot of work into it, so I hope you love it just as much as I do!

